Phone: (702) 981-4663

How Do I Develop the Best Fraud Prevention Strategy?
Alexander Hall

Alexander Hall


The contact form on Dispute Defense Consulting’s website has been asked this several times. Regarding semantics, there are 2 issues with this mal-formed question.

1. In order to be the “best”, the strategy has to be compared to others.
Each strategy up for grading is measured by the efficacy of the processes, the analysis, and the results. More importantly, each strategy is employed in the environment created by the customer / client taking into consideration things like; volume of transactions, value of transactions, processes, security, industry, marketing, fulfillment, transfers of value, compliance, and many other factors.

The point is this: A fraud prevention strategy that is effective for “Bob’s Bicycles” isn’t guaranteed to provide the same results for “Sally’s Sneakers”.

2. Fraud evolves and grows at a rate that is faster than most companies can respond.

An effective fraudster has a mountain of information and can put through transactions meeting different levels of requirements (as dictated by the fraud prevention processes currently employed). Due to this, employing a “cookie-cutter” strategy is better than nothing, but will take some work to be considered the “Best” for your operation.

I work with PSP’s, Fraud Prevention Service Providers, Financial institutions, and merchants to identify their vulnerabilities and assist in developing strategies that work best for their specific needs. 

To get started, shoot me a message and let’s chat!

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How Do I Develop the Best Fraud Prevention Strategy?

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Alexander Hall

(702) 981-4663

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