Phone: (702) 981-4663

What Does Mail Theft Provide For a Fraudster?
Alexander Hall

Alexander Hall


Mail theft is a powerful tool for fraudsters seeking what I call “organic information” – highly reliable information that has little chance of being tampered with or otherwise tainted by numerous hands in the pot.

As I alluded to in an earlier post there are myriad ways in which fraudsters get your information. Checks are used for the creation of counterfeits and various types of payment fraud / 3rd-party ATOs.

Sensitive information (PII, account information, statements and more) is used to fuel identity theft, ATOs and more.

Strategy Items for businesses and consumers who use the mail service for the delivery of checks and sensitive information:

1. Monitor your accounts

2. Monitor your credit profile

3. Freeze your credit profile

It’s obvious that mail theft has exploded in popularity among the bad guys.

Be proactive, my friends.

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What Does Mail Theft Provide For a Fraudster?

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Alexander Hall

(702) 981-4663

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